Thursday, 29 May 2014

I'm back, but where have I been?!

Well hello there my lovelies! Remember me? I barely remember myself. I can't believe it's been 8 months since I last posted on here... *slaps back of hand* but it's safe to say I've had a seriously hectic time and I feel like I may owe a little explanation, or even just catch you all up!
Struggling writing dissertation | The final draft
So where did it all go downhill? Well, September meant entering my final year at uni and any of you final year or recent graduates will know what I'm talking about! It's been a killer. I started off the term being handed two assignments but actually quite enjoying myself. I was super motivated about it being final year and was ready to work my butt off..  but boy was I naive. For the year I had 4 assignments, my dissertation (see progress and the final draft above!) and 3 exams. May not seem a lot for some, but for me? Daaaaamn. But, I'm very happy to announce that I have now finished my degree! Wahoooo! All I need to do now is wait for my results and classification (quite possibly the worst part?) and voila, I'm a marketing graduate! 

It's not all been about uni though, as some of you may know I've been working part time doing social media and marketing for a lighting company (yawn at the lighting part!) and so have been juggling a hell of a lot of stuff. They even promised me a full time job when I'd finished my degree - something which is fairly hard to come buy these days! - buuuuuut, I'm pretty damn annoyed to say that they've gone back on their word and let me go. I've got to say, I wasn't happy there... So whilst I'm sad that I've been let go, I'm also kinda happy to be out of there, even if it wasn't on my terms. So its safe to say that the next few months is going to consist of some serious job hunting, buuuuut on the bright side, I'll have more time for blogging! Oh how I have missed thee. 

Anyhoo, I'm going to love you and leave you for now (before I ramble on and bore you to death anymore!) with a few highlights and fun bits from my time away. I hope you're all doing well and are as fabulous as ever!
Relaxing with my baby | My two babies - boyfriend & devil dog | Watching Maroon 5 in Manchester | Robin Thicke was supporting! | 21st birthday decor | 21st birthday pressies - I'm a lucky gal! | I got a car! | Completed my degree | Feeling much more relaxed
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