Sunday, 7 April 2013


Hey there my lovelies, it's been a while! I've been doing a lot of thinking as of later, and I've got to say, I'm not happy with myself for letting this little place go... I was so excited at the thought of starting blogging last year when I eventually decided to set my own up, but my posts have been inconsistent and very far between ever since. Sadly it's not due to how exciting my life is, it's that darn place called university where young people alike go to die. Yes, I'm feeling the stress of exams right now. Second year is such a drag! Anyhooo, with exams coming in rather soon and the excitement of having a super long summer break is looming, I've decided to give this place another go (procrastination much?) - fingers crossed I'll bloody keep it up this time! 

This is so me, every single time! (Image taken from:

Loyal readers, you babes you, may have noticed a couple of changes... First up is the name; glitter cave has gone, say hello to it's younger sister sundaisy! Whilst I can't deny, I love me some glitter, I feel the name change is just so much more me. It may seem a load of nonsense to some of you, but it really captures what I'm about and reminds me of who I am if ever I get a little lost (look at me getting all sentimental, that can come another time!) 
Secondly is the content.. Be gone samey, boring posts posted pretty damn sporadically. Rachel's gonna get all organised on your ass! I won't lie, a lot of the posts will more than likely still be based around fashion and beauty, but I'm going to show you all the reaaaaaal me! Cue geeky snipbits and 'days in the life of'... or should that be 'daisy the life of' ;) Oh, why am I so hilarious?

So basically, in a TL;DR situation.. there have been and will be further changes around here. It's time for a revamp!

What do you think of the changes so far? Any feedback or suggestions would be grand!

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